Friday, January 15, 2016

Preserving Our Families

"Only those who believe deeply and actively in the family will be able to preserve their families in the midst of the gathering evil around us."  - President Spencer W. Kimball

I have always loved this quote by President Kimball.  What strikes me the most when I read this is that not only do I have to believe deeply and actively in THE family, I have to believe deeply and actively in MY family.  The best way for me to advocate the importance and divine purpose and ordination of the family is to strive each day to dedicate myself to my husband and children, and do everything I can to be an example of righteous living for them.

My favorite example of the love a parent has for their family is in Lehi's vision of the tree of life.  He is the epitome of a loving father who believed deeply and actively in his family.  He wanted so badly for his family to be together and for each of them individually to partake of and enjoy the fruit that was desirable above all other fruit (1 Nephi 8:11-12).  Of course, his own desires were not enough.  Evil was gathering around them as well.  Filthy waters, mists of darkness, a great and spacious building - the world was dark and scary, and none could have found the way to the tree without the rod of iron.

My favorite mental image in this parable comes from Nephi, when he sees his own vision of the tree of life and is instructed on the meaning of it.  In 1 Nephi 15:27, Nephi tells us "that the water which my father saw was filthiness," but here is the interesting part -  he then says that "so much was his (Lehi's) mind swallowed up in other things that he beheld not the filthiness of the water."  What was his mind swallowed up in?  The fruit.  The tree.  He had his eye single to the glorious end result, and wanted nothing more than for his family to be there with him.

With this perspective, added to President Kimball's counsel, my goal as a wife and mother is to focus on the tree.  Yes, evil is gathering around my family.  Yes, if we look for it we will find it.  But that is not what I want to focus on.  The world may be a tumultuous place, but my home doesn't have to be. My home can truly be a refuge from the world, where we can feel safe, feel the Spirit, and enjoy the blessings, unrestrained, of faithful gospel living.  This requires diligent (active) effort in the little things - prayer, scripture study, gratitude, humility, and many other small drops of oil in our lamps.  And when we need help, because the mists are creeping in, Elder Eyring has counseled that, "We will need to invite the powers of heaven to guide our families in days when we are not there and to face spiritual dangers we may not foresee."  Because the family is ordained of God, He will be there every step of the way to guide us, comfort us, and share in our joy and sorrow.  

We can protect our families by making our home a refuge, putting our family at the top of our priority list, and focusing on the tree - the eternal blessings of the gospel and the love of Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, and by being loving and active parents.

By the fruits of our labors in our own families, we will be a source of strength and light to the world around us.  

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